
Qualcomm создала процессор для Windows-компьютеров

В своей основе новый процессор — это Snapdragon 845, который установлен в большинстве смартфонов-флагманов, выпущенных в этом году. Максимальная тактовая частота четырех высокопроизводительных "больших" ядер Kryo 385 (есть еще четыре энергоэффективных, "малых" ядра Kryo 835 Silver) у 850-го лишь немного выше, чем у 845-го — 2,95 ГГц против 2,8 ГГц. Графическая подсистема та же — Adreno 630, модем (Snapdragon X20, до 1,2 Гбит/с) и ISP (Spectra 280) те же, вот только спецификации шины памяти и объем кэша на кристалле Qualcomm пока не раскрыла.

По сравнению с 835-м Snapdragon, ставшим основой для "всегда подключенных" Windows-ПК первого поколения, общая производительность повысилась на 30%, а потолок скорости передачи данных по LTE и автономность — на 20%. В Qualcomm даже не побоялись заменить маркетинговое обещание "батарея на весь день" на "батарея на несколько дней" — мол, заряжать компьютеры со Snapdragon 850 ежедневно будет, возможно, необязательно.

Кроме того, в случае использования нового чипа в связке с Windows 10 с апрельским апдейтом становятся доступны дополнительные возможности встроенного модуля нейросетевых вычислений, пишет AnandTech. Например, процессор будет гораздо эффективнее обсчитывать все задачи, связанные с работой голосовых ассистентов (сначала только Cortana, потом остальных), а также эффективнее выполнять оптимизированные 64-битные приложения, например — браузер Microsoft Edge.


Qualcomm Announces Snapdragon 850: A Second Generation For Windows

Qualcomm’s big value-add to the laptop space last year, alongside running Windows on the company’s smartphone-focused Arm processors, was both battery life and mobile connectivity, promising performance, 20+ hours of use, and the ability to always be connected to the internet without the need to piggy back on a Wi-Fi signal. This year Qualcomm is launching its second generation Always Connected PC (ACPC) platform, and the Snapdragon 850 SoC, to power the new wave of devices.

Qualcomm’s Always Connected PCs
Pushing modern x86 processors out of the PC and notebook space is a monumental task. Trying to push Windows and its large user base and large volume of software out of the way requires an investment way larger than anyone realises. The alternative is to ride shotgun, and run a mix of translated and native compiled code, but a new entrant needs more than that. Having lived with x86 laptops for two decades, the most prolific home users and commercial users have their workflows embedded into their human personalities – certain software has to perform in an expected way, and as a result, disruption has to being by replacing like-for-like in order to succeed, followed by additional benefits.

Qualcomm’s ACPC platform was originally designed to do this. Run the operating system that most people use, and have a number of the top applications that people also use (such as Office, Outlook) run natively on the hardware. For users that have obscure programs built for x86, the instructions are translated for the Arm based hardware with a minimal performance drop. The benefits therein were designed to be based on battery life (lower power than x86, plus lower motherboard space requirements allowing for more battery) and mobile connectivity (integrated modem, rather than bulky external modem). These are two of the top features that most premium users are willing to pay extra for, but the goal is to have them inside mid-range and premium style devices, rather than just for the high-end (or not at all).

Last year’s ACPC platform, based on the Snapdragon 835, was launched to mixed reviews. Despite HP, ASUS, and Lenovo being partners, it took a while for each of them to get out of the door, and even then, the HP was priced very high, and the ASUS was launched only in Taiwan. Reviews of the units focused either on the higher than expected price of the HP, or the responsiveness of the system interpreted through traditional x86 benchmarks. Most reviews in that ecosystem were from x86 laptop users, unfamiliar with the intricacies of machine translation, using peak-performance x86 benchmarks on Windows, such as CineBench. The problem Qualcomm had was that users were unable to the typical operating system delays from the additional latency introduced by the translation of the chipset. With the goal being parity with the incumbent, users had an idealised view of what this should be, so when x86-focused benchmarks underperformed, negative comments resulted. Coupled with this, even fast Gigabit LTE connectivity can add additional latency to web responsiveness, whereas non-mobile connected machines that people are used to are to piggybacking from Wi-Fi with wired backhaul which has minimal latency. While the promise of battery life was there, along with always being connected, the user experience wasn’t as perfect as first envisioned, especially when it is not obvious what parts of the user experience were attributable to which company.

Snapdragon 850: More Performance, More Battery Life, More AI, More Systems
Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 850 follows on from the Snapdragon 835 almost a year after. The Snapdragon 850 is built from the silicon as the Snapdragon 845, and uses the benefits that the flagship mobile chip introduces for this generation. This time around however, rather than calling it the Snapdragon 845, similar to the chip inside popular smartphone flagships such as the Samsung Galaxy S9/S9+, LG G7, HTC U12+, and OnePlus 6, Qualcomm is differentiating it by upping the number. The Snapdragon 850 uses the same silicon floorplan as the Snapdragon 845, however the frequencies and firmware are tweaked for extra performance

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