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Форум на все случаи жизни _ SoфтоWый RулеZ _ VirtualDub 1.10.3

Автор: BigmanXXXL 24.11.2002 - 14:05


Лучший и быстрый захват видео
Большинство непрофессиональных устройств захвата видео поставляются с демонстрационной программкой vidcap32.exe От Microsoft, которая часто неспособна использовать даже половину пропускной способности вашего жесткого диска и пропускает кадры. VirtualDub содержит встроенную поддержку видео-захвата, которая может использовать до 90% пиковой производительности вашего диска - до 10 Мб в секунду - без потери кадров. Кроме того, программа была тщательно тестирована и спобна записать более 70 тыс. кадров за один проход. Видео гистограмма поможет вам контролировать яркость и контраст, индикатор громкости, осциллоскоп, спектральный анализатор и встроенный регулятор линейного входа, помогают управлять вводом аудио..

Преодален баръер в 2Гб
VirtualDub может читать и писать AVI файлы с иерархическим, 64-разрядным индексированием, как описано в спецификации стандарта OpenDML 1.02, который поддерживается ActiveMoovie (Windows Media Player) и QuickTime. Это значит что вы можете захватывать и обрабатывать файлы превышающие известный 2-х гигабайтный предел, и работать с видео в одном сегменте.

Для приложений, которые не поддерживают OpenDML-расширенные файлы вы можете также производить захват или записывать обработанные последовательности в клипы, разбитые на 2-х гигабайтные куски.

Примечание: VirtualDub не поддерживает type-1 DV.

Оптимизирован для линейной обработки
Определенно нелинейный монтажимеет много преймуществ, но он также заметно усложняет программу, превращая её в настоящий полнофункциональный видео-редактор, что нужно далеко не всегда. VirtualDub оптимизирован для линейного монтажа, что делает его простой программой, которую удобно применять для предварительной обработки, очистки или преобразования видеофайлов. Здесь действительно просто записать видео-ролик, отрезать ненужные части и запустить процесс конвертации одним из установленных кодеков.

Поддержка Motion-JPEG, MPEG-1 видео и аудио Layer 3 (MP3)
VirtualDub может преобразовывать MPEG в AVI, включая звуковую дорожку. При этом качество декодирования лучше чем в некоторых коммерческих программах, таких как XingMPEG Player. VirtualDub может воспроизводить некоторые файлы, с которыми ActiveMovie отказывается работать, например с поврежденными или со звуком в Layer 3.

Встроенное декодирование Motion-JPEG читает MJPEG файлы, когда существующие кодеки не могут этого сделать. Вы можете менять и удалять файлы черезстрочного видео совершенно свободно, вне зависимости от того, какой MJPEG декодер вы используете. Вы даже можете разделить кадры пополам для получения 60 fps нечерезстрочного видео для таких источников, как, например, Playstation.

VirtualDub это также единственная программа, которая производит корректные аудио потоки в формате MPEG-1 Layer 3 для AVI-файлов при помощи аудио кодека Fraunhofer-IIS.

Обработка видео в реальном времени (или около того)
На быстрой системе с процессорами Pentium или Pentium II большинство фильтров VideoDub могут работать в реальном времени. Это означает что вы можете производить билинейное или даже бикубическое масштабирование видео и быстро видеть результаты. Блюр и резкость, эти фильтры помогут контролировать четкость, а general convolution даже позволит вам создавать собственные фильтры на матрице 3x3. Вы можете вращать изображение на произвольный угол.

Отложенный процессинг
Встроенная система управления заданиями позволяет создавать пакеты заданий для отложенной обработки видео. Вы можете построить огромный список задач и запустить его на выполнение когда пойдете спать -- VirtualDub будет продолжать следить за их временем запуска/окончания и всеми возникающими ошибками. Если вам потребуется более срочное выполнение определенной задачи вы сможете переупорядочить список задач, даже когда они уже выполняются. Если в компьютере произойдет сбой и вы перезпустите VirtualDub, он будет знать на какой операции это произошло и начнет с этого места.

Оф. сайт: http://www.virtualdub.org
Возможности: http://www.virtualdub.org/features.html
Лицензия: Freeware
ОС: Windows All
Страница загрузки: http://virtualdub.sourceforge.net

Русская версия с плагинами: http://samlab.ws/soft/virtualdub/

Подбока фильтров: http://thedeemon.com/VirtualDubFilters/detailed.html
Подборка плагинов: http://altukhov.clan.su/forum/47-1373-1

Автор: drSAB 26.11.2002 - 01:34

... и небольшое дополнение к твоему сообщению:

В версии 1.4.12 произведена оптимизация под процессоры Pentium IV, а также исправлен ряд ошибок.

Скачать обычную версию VirtualDub v.1.4.12 (для всех компьютеров, совместимых с 80486) можно и здесь

(687 Кб, Freeware, Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000),

:o ...а тут находится exe-файл, оптимизированный для работы с P4 => http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/virtual...b-1_4_12-P4.zip=>http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1_4_12-P4.zip :D


Автор: rio 30.11.2002 - 15:59

VirtualDub 1.4.13

Changes in Current Version:
Added frequently-requested Lanzcos3 kernel to resize filter
Fixed nasty resize filter bug
Fixed audio desynchronization
Fixed crash in MPEG-1 decoder
B-frame audio skew support is now also enabled

Автор: BigmanXXXL 18.12.2002 - 00:06

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.4.13 => http://msilab.ru/download/your_rus/count.php?go=271

Автор: BigmanXXXL 15.01.2003 - 23:58

Video DeNoise
Фильтр для очистки видеоизображений от шума при работе с видеоредактором VirtualDub. Не вносит дополнительные искажения по сравнению с динамическими фильтрами. После удаления даже незначительного шума размер кодируемого файла уменьшается.
Краткий обзор

Фильтр предназначен для очистки видеоизображений от шума при работе с видеоредактором VirtualDub версии 1.2 или выше. Его главная задача - это подавление шума в виде небольших ярких линий, красного или синего цвета, реже зеленого. Из-за неоднородности магнитного слоя видеоленты такие линии всегда присутствуют в изображении.

Фильтр анализирует каждый кадр независимо от других, благодаря чему он не вносит дополнительные искажения по сравнению с динамическими фильтрами (практически не происходит потеря четкости по сравнению с операцией blur), а в совокупности с высокой точностью определения шумов данный фильтр, вероятно, является лидером среди подобных фильтров для VirtualDub. Особенно удобен при кодировании в MPEG4 или DivX, т.к. даже после удаления незначительного шума размер кодируемого файла уменьшается.
Кроме того, фильтр избавляет от интерлесинга (эффекта "лесенки" или "расчески") и вам не понадобится использовать дополнительный фильтр.

Уровень отсечение шума может регулироваться для любой из цветовых составляющих. Фильтр оптимизирован для процессоров с поддержкой команд MMX, что позволяет производить подавление шума в реальном режиме времени.

Настройки фильтра

Распакуйте фильтр из ZIP-архива и скопируйте его в папку 'Plugins', расположенную в каталоге VirtualDub'a.

Примеры работы

До использования фильтра

После использования фильтра

версия 1.2 => http://www.risingresearch.com/files/denoise.zip
(18 Кб)
версия 0.5, без автоматического деинтерлесинга и поддержки MMX => http://www.risingresearch.com/files/denoise05.zip (12 Кб)

Автор: drSAB 18.02.2003 - 13:09

VirtualDub 1.5.0 (Build 15584)


P4 version

Whats new :

features added

[*]Can add a single job to the batch list with syntax: /p[input_file],[output_file]

[*]Filters are now loaded and unloaded on the fly to circumvent TLS (thread local storage) selector limits.

[*]Cropping bounds can now be dragged via the mouse.
Improved, friendlier crash diagnostics.

[*]Basic audio filter support (no plugin support yet, though). The pitch shifter sucks.

[*]Increased accuracy of audio/video timing by switching from microsecond to rational calculations.

[*]Changed font on dialogs to enable ClearType on XP. .

bug fixes

[*]New MPEG audio core (Priss) -- fixes decoding errors in layer I and layer III audio and adds SSE polyphase support.

[*]Fixed motion JPEG decoding bugs when padding is present before markers.

[*]Fixed crash in SSE2 code when decoding MPEG-1 file odd width in macroblocks.

[*]Fixed crash in SSE2 resize routine when doing 4-tap vertical resample with odd width.

[*]Fixed swapped UVs in About dialog box. ^^;

[*]Fixed sync errors in MPEG-1 playback when decoding an audio stream which flips the copyright bit between frames or switches layer III bitrates (VBR).

[*]Fixed "Frame not found" errors in MPEG-1 decoder when GOP is longer than 128 frames.

[*]Rewrote resampler clip determination code again. Hopefully this one will be Bug Free ™.

[*]Fixed spurious errors at end of operation when saving WAV file.

[*]Outputted configuration files and job scripts now include the correct audio filename when a .wav file is selected through a script.

[*]Fixed AVI segmented output creating short files when working from MPEG-1 source or when IVTC is active.

[*]Image import filter wasn't caching frames.

[*]Fixed a couple of Get*() script calls that were declared incorrectly internally and didn't work (thanks to Cyrius).

[*]Blur filter now handles cropping properly.

Автор: rio 22.02.2003 - 18:45


Changes in Current Version:
Improved audio filter dialog
Added "split" and "mix" audio filters
Capture mode: Added menu item to launch Windows Volume Control in Recording mode
Save Segmented AVI now attempts to cut before keyframes when the video mode is set to "direct copy"
Bug Fixes

Автор: drSAB 23.02.2003 - 01:53

VirtualDub 1.5.1 (Build 15654):

P4 version
Content-Length: 617884
Last-Modified: 22 Feb 2003 10:45:22 GMT

Автор: Mercyful 23.02.2003 - 03:46

(Переделка Dub'а от Avery Lee)

VirtualDubMod is a project that was born when suddenly a lot of modifications to the original VirtualDub by Avery Lee sprung up, mainly on the Doom9 forums. Some people got tired of needing several diffrent modified VirtualDub executables, so the idea arose to put them all together into a single app, VirtualDubMod.

Включает в себя VirtualDub, NanDub и множество других полезностей.

Офсайт: http://virtualdubmod.sourceforge.net/
Download: http://www.doom9.org/Soft21/Editing/VirtualDubMod_1_4_13_1.zip

Автор: PRYANIK 27.03.2003 - 12:38

Русификатор интерфейса для VirtualDub v1.5.1 (120 KB)


Автор: drSAB 30.04.2003 - 14:11


Release Date: 30 Apr 2003 07:54:18 GMT
File Size: 612 KB
Platform: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/XP/2000
License: Freeware

Changes in Current Version:

[*]Converted help from WinHelp to HTML and updated dialog help to current feature set

[*]Added frame rate conversion to arbitrary frame rates

[*]Added logging to report non-fatal warnings during operations

[*]MPEG parser detects and reports timestamp discontinuities

[*]Added limited error concealment capabilities to input handlers

[*]Optimized audio filters a bit and added tap count control for lowpass, highpass, and resampling filters

[*]Added "new rate" audio filter to relabel an audio stream with a new sampling rate without resampling

[*]Incomplete audio format headers that are rejected by ACM MP3 codecs are automatically fixed with the required fields

[*]Added workaround for AVI1 files with MP3 audio being detected as MP3 files by Windows Media Player 8

[*]Fixed capture free space indicator being limited to 4GB under Windows 98


Автор: drSAB 8.05.2003 - 01:08

С этой странички можно взять
русификатор к 1.5.2 (117кб)


Автор: drSAB 20.05.2003 - 23:26


Release Date: 20 May 2003 07:20:19 GMT
File Size: 614 KB (628,357)


В версии 1.5.3 откоректирован диалог работы
и добавлены новые фильтры,
исправлены ошибки, повышено быстродействие

версия, оптимизированная для работы на компьютерах с процессором P4 (638 Кб)

Автор: drSAB 30.05.2003 - 00:54

русификатор VirtualDub 1.5.3
( страничка загрузки, качать браузером - 121,426 )


Release Date: 29 May 2003 06:48:23 GMT
File Size: 615 KB (629,660)


Автор: drSAB 11.06.2003 - 10:25

Русификатор для VirtualDub 1.5.4 build 16297


Автор: Gadfly 25.07.2003 - 14:11


Автор: Lazzy 22.08.2003 - 01:54

mp3-кодек для VirtualDub

Оказывается, не все кодеки хорошо работают с Dub-ом - Fraunhofer не держит время звуковой дорожки. В небольших клипах это незаметно, но к концу 90-минутного фильма звук опережает изображение на несколько десятых секунды. Такое опережение воспринимается как явный брак, особенно когда на экране хлопают дверцей машины и т. д. Диалог Audio/Video Inter Leave Options проблему не решает. Можно перед сжатием растянуть аудио в звуковом редакторе, но лучше поставить кодек Lame 3.93.1, который брака не делает (ACM-драйвер ставится через контекстное меню файла LameACM.inf из полного комплекта Lame). А чтобы некоторые другие программы, например Sound Forge, не отказались работать с фильтрами DirectX, надо в Windows XP открыть панель управления, перейти на Звуки и аудиоустройства - Оборудование - Аудио кодеки - Свойства - Свойства (ещё раз) - Lame ACM MP3 codec - Свойства - Параметры и снять галку с пункта Smart Encode.
P. S. Вообще Lame очень хорошая штучка, даёт не то чтобы верный, но приятный звук. Интерфейс к ней называется RazorLame (для работы с VirtualDub не нужен), его тоже нетрудно найти в Интернете.

Автор: rio 1.10.2003 - 17:27

VirtualDub 1.5.5 (experimental)

VirtualDub 1.5.5 is out on SourceForge and is the first version that I've explicitly tagged as "experimental." The primary reason is the new display code — 1.5.5 is the first version to use DirectDraw by default, the result of which is a significant increase in rendering speed as well as a usable stretch. (Right-click the panes for the new options.) 1.5.4 is pretty stable at this point and as such it's a good idea to split versions into stable and development releases. So please try 1.5.5 and report the problems, and if you have problems, use 1.5.4. 1.5.5 does add a few more workarounds for various problems as well as some optimizations for direct stream copy mode, so if all goes well it should work better than 1.5.4.

1.5.5 allows audio filters to be plugins, but I haven't completed the audio filter SDK yet and I'm not sure I like the current API. For those of you that want to experiment with it, there is a new "samplefilter" project in the VirtualDub source code. (Contact me if you want the preliminary SDK.) Keep in mind that the API is still fluid and I'll probably nuke this API version in the future.
Avery Lee <virtualdub.org / phaeron (at)>

Автор: Kondor 11.10.2003 - 18:40

VirtualDub v1.5.6 (stable)


Ссылка ведет на страницу выбора сервера с которого будет начата закачка

Автор: drSAB 12.10.2003 - 07:28

в дополнение Kondor
Last-Modified: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 02:00:08 GMT
Content-Length: 674,355

- Added support for YV12 during fast recompress
- Input video is now displayed during fast recompress
- Video display updates are now suppressed for panes that are totally hidde

Автор: drSAB 15.10.2003 - 02:30

:D и русик к v1.5.6.17971 от SAM


Автор: TRENER 15.10.2003 - 21:57

VirtualDab c mpeg2-фильтром (позволяет кодировать mpeg2 файлы) вот на этой странице (вместе с исходниками)


Автор: Aragorn 21.10.2003 - 20:54

Release Date: October 20th, 2003
File Size: 660 KB

[bugs fixed]
* Quick preview didn't work if the current position was
  past the number of source frames, even if the timeline
  was longer than that.
* Added FPU guards that were missing in a couple of
  critical places (AVIFile open, codec negotation).
* The timeline wasn't properly extended if segments were
  auto-attached by filename after edits had been made.
* Configuration scripts saved when no file is open
  no longer alter the edit list when loaded.
* Jobs launched from the command line used the normal
  error modes rather than those set as default by the

[regressions fixed]
* Filter preview buttons weren't updating the frame.
* Save Image Sequence command would randomly produce
  an unrequested job instead of initiating the render
* MP3 audio streams were getting written with
  dwLength=0 if correction was enabled.
* MPEG decoder occasionally decoded garbage into the
  video frame, resulting in sporadic block errors
  during processing.
* A race condition in the fast write code occasionally
  resulted in spurious write errors.
* Append AVI function was incrementing the filename
  extension instead of the name component.
* Avisynth scripts smaller than 60 bytes weren't being
  autodetected properly.


Автор: drSAB 26.10.2003 - 08:26

Русик VirtualDub 1.5.7 build 18014 от SAM

Автор: max_v 26.10.2003 - 15:37


Почему-то о нем ни слова.
Последняя версия от 3го августа.

Автор: drSAB 27.10.2003 - 00:59

:o информация с >http://tuner.ixbt.com/soft/soft_tv_capture_014.html
Проект "VirtualDubMod", представляет собой объединение модификаций от различных авторов к оригинальным исходникам VirtualDub (It started out as a unification of three projects, VirtualDubMPeg2, VirtualDubOGM and VirtualDubAVS.).

Модифицированная версия обладает многими полезными возможностями :

• распределенная сетевая обработка / кодирование
• команда 'Open via AVISynth', AVS редактор (код из AVISynthesizer)
• улучшеный поиск ошибок в видеопотоке
• поддержка MPEG2, импорта ASF
• поддержка двух аудио потоков
• поддержка VBR MP3 и AC3 аудио потоков в AVI
• поддержка OGM (очень перспективного потокового формата), в том числе:
- открытие / сохранение, мультиплексирование / демультиплексирование Ogg/AC3/MP3/SRT потоков,
- вставка комментариев к потокам
• поддержка PNG при открытии / сохранении последовательностей кадров
• слегка модифицированный интерфейс
• множество мелких дополнений, исправлений ошибок оригинальной версии (и возможно, добавлений новых ошибок :-)

Для запуска программы необходимо загрузить с сайта VirtualDubMod (см. сообщение max_v ) и набор DLL файлов (по той же ссылке)

• ОС: Windows 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP
• Карта: Любая с установленным драйвером

Last-Modified: 04 Aug 2003 00:22:09 GMT
Content-Length: 1,663,877

Автор: drSAB 3.11.2003 - 15:30

VirtualDub 1.5.8

features added:
• DirectDraw support is disabled when Terminal Services or Remote Desktop clients are detected to work around a DirectX clipping bug.
• Re-enabled places bar on open and save dialogs.
• Disabled FPU state warning and made the fixup silent.
  WAY too many drivers are screwing up the FPU unit.
• Edit lists can now be omitted from configuration files without needing to close the source file.

bugs fixed:
• Main window is disabled during MPEG-1 scan to prevent crash if main window is closed.
• Previous-key and next-key movement commands were not correct for B-frames in an MPEG-1 file.
• Fixed decoding of MPEG-1 B-frames at the start of GOPs with broken_link set.
• Palette change blocks no longer appear as garbage video streams.  In-stream palette changes are still  not supported, however.
• biSizeImage was incorrect when using fast recompress in YV12 mode.
• Sequence appends failing on the first file now throw an error rather than a warning.

regressions fixed:
• A race condition in the fast write code occasionally resulted in spurious write errors.
• Fixed swapped 00db/00dc tags in AVI output.
• Fixed display of 8-bit paletted video.
• Program starts under Windows 95 again.


Автор: drSAB 5.11.2003 - 15:46

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.5.8 build 18068 от Sam (96 Kб)


Автор: Aragorn 11.11.2003 - 02:55

VirtualDub v1.5.9 build 18121
Released: 11/9/2003

[features added]
* Made 'autodetect additional segments by filename'
option sticky.
* Removed trackbar ticks when ticks are a solid bar
to speed up edits on very long timelines.
* Added option to disable use of DirectX in video
displays under Preferences/Display.

[bugs fixed]
* Fixed odd lock-to-keyframe behavior with edit lists
that have out of order segments.
* Fixed move-to-next-keyframe command at end of time-
* Fixed decompression of 1-bit and 4-bit uncompressed
AVI files under Windows 95/98.
* Audio compression dialog showed the wrong set of
valid formats if a precision was selected under
Audio Conversion.
* The current edit list is no longer applied to batch
jobs created from entire directories.

[regressions fixed]
* Fixed display crashes with odd-width images.
* Segment loading wasn't hopping across drives to pick
up segments from a multisegment capture, as directed
by the AVI's segment hint block.


Автор: ARON 13.11.2003 - 03:39

Русификатор для VirtualDub v1.5.9 build 18121

Автор: kammax 13.11.2003 - 12:48

vdub версия 1,5,9

Прямые ссылки запрещены

Автор: drSAB 3.12.2003 - 13:32

VirtualDub V1.5.10
664 KB


Автор: drSAB 8.12.2003 - 01:49



Last-Modified: 03 Dec 2003 20:29:36 GMT
Content-Length: 1,655,590

Автор: drSAB 8.12.2003 - 02:14

Русификатор Sam Lab VirtualDub V1.5.10



Автор: Troy 8.12.2003 - 17:44

ссылка на

Русификатор Sam Lab VirtualDub V1.5.10
не работает. Уже час бьюсь.

Автор: Val14 8.12.2003 - 18:14

Указана страница _http://samlab.by.ru/rus_v.htm Зайди на неё и внизу, увидишь ссылку _http://samlab.by.ru/rus/sam_virtualdub1510rus.rar
Если не можешь скачать, то я залью файл в Обменник... но проблем вроде нет .. все качается cranky.gif

Автор: Troy 8.12.2003 - 19:16

Видимо, у меня не качается. :( Буду благодарен, если зальёшь.

ОК, спасибо. da.gif

Автор: Val14 8.12.2003 - 19:33

Сделано http://www.bestfilez.net/forums/index.php?&act=Downloads&CODE=02&id=374

Автор: JustDead 8.12.2003 - 20:27

Вышел VirtualDubMod
Вот бы руссик к нему rolleyes.gif ...

Автор: Gabber 6.02.2004 - 02:17

Не могу проинсталить VirDub.
Запускается только EXE-шником.
Тогда как можно поставить руссификатор?
В чем может быть проблема?

P.S. Если я не в нужном разделе со своим вопросом, плиз, скоординируйте меня. Не смог найти более подходящего места для вопроса....

Всем удачи.....:)

Автор: RocK 7.02.2004 - 13:15

• VirtualDub 1.5.10 (build 18160)


•VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 (build 18189) MPEG2(SVCD,DVD,VOB) import support.


Прямые ссылки - не допускаются!!  /drSAB

Автор: Dbyron 17.05.2004 - 00:36

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 build 18250

Changes in VirtualDub-MPEG2:
Version 1.5.10 build 18250 (May 16, 2004)
- By request, I restored the "Aspect ratio information" field to the MPEG File Information dialog (this had accidentally been removed during a previous upgrade).
Version 1.5.10 build 18244 (May 12, 2004)
- I've assimilated all of the audio resampling code from VirtualDub_Sync by Andreas Dittrich. His sync code is only activated by selecting "Video / Timing / Resample audio...", otherwise, the original VirtualDub timing code is used. (I didn't add his modifications for the BT8x8 tweaker, but I can do it later if necessary.)
- It turns out that the taps I used in the "cubic" 2:1 horizontal reduction for capture mode (discussed here) are not the same taps which Avery Lee used in his cubic 2:1 vertical reduction code. This probably explains why the linear reduction looks better, so for now I've disabled the cubic version until it can be corrected.


Автор: Aragorn 5.07.2004 - 02:49

Last-modified: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 00:30:48 GMT
Content-length: 694 706 Bytes

By request, I added an "All Files (*.*)" filter to the "Start frame server" save dialog. There were also a few minor changes to the capture code, most notably the fact that if you capture at a rate of either 1000000/33366 or 1000000/33367 (NTSC), the rate actually written to the captured file will be 30000/1001. The difference is negligible, but it makes it easier for me to splice my captures seamlessly for MPEG encoding.


Автор: SamLab 5.07.2004 - 13:55

Русский VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 build 18264

Отдельно Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 build 18264

Автор: Dacha 6.07.2004 - 08:32


Указанные файлы отсутствуют на сервере.

Автор: SamLab 8.09.2004 - 08:06

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.0 build 21540

Автор: AndreyV 8.09.2004 - 10:05

Цитата(SamLab @ 8.09.2004 - 09:06)
Русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.0 build 21540

А где сам то VirtualDub 1.6.0 build 21540 ?

Автор: ASSEDO 8.09.2004 - 11:11

Где и всегда - на офсайте.

Автор: AndreyV 8.09.2004 - 12:15

Цитата(ASSEDO @ 8.09.2004 - 12:11)
Где и всегда - на офсайте.

ну конечно, сорри глазки с утра не протер.
думал VirtualDubMod

Автор: SamLab 8.09.2004 - 14:50

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.0 build 21540 (обновленная)

Автор: SamLab 21.09.2004 - 22:25

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 build 18270


Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 build 18270


Автор: SamLab 5.11.2004 - 01:57

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.1


Русификатор для VirtualDub 1.6.1


Автор: politik 3.12.2004 - 04:06

Последняя стабильная версия Virtual Dub v1.5.10 build 18160


Последний доступный релиз Virtual Dub v1.6.1:
для 32-битных процов: h--p://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.6.1.zip
для AMD-64: h--p://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.6.1-AMD64.zip

Русификаторы для всех версий:


Автор: PowerMen 10.12.2004 - 18:05

А как насчет фильтров для ВиртулДуба?
Мне бы очень хотелось бы попрбовать MSU Deinterlacing фильтр.
Может есть у кого? rolleyes.gif

Автор: alexreturn 14.12.2004 - 20:42


Автор: Burzhuj 14.12.2004 - 22:10

Русификатор от SAM


Автор: SamLab 14.12.2004 - 22:15

Русификатор для VirtualDub 1.6.2 Build 22651

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.2 Сборка 22651

Автор: Rainbow 15.12.2004 - 12:27

Спасибо тебе огромное за Mpeg2 версию Пол инета перерыл, пока нашёл, чем можно mpeg 2 j,hf,jnfnm cranky.gif

Автор: SamLab 16.12.2004 - 23:13

Русификатор для VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 Build 18289

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 Сборка 18289

Автор: SamLab 11.01.2005 - 22:29

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.63

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.63

Автор: Bish 12.01.2005 - 01:16

VirtualDub Experimental
Что нового:
Capture: DirectShow driver now supports audio passthrough (Audio > Enable Audio Playback) for devices with integrated audio capture
Capture: DirectShow driver supports capture from sound cards
Capture: Reduced graph rebuilding in DirectShow driver for better performance
Capture: Video/audio source and audio input selection is now supported
Capture: More settings are automatically saved or savable through Device > Device settings
Capture: Noise reduction, field swap, and luma squish can be toggled during capture
Improved asynchronous file write code for better performance and smoother timing in capture


Автор: SamLab 12.02.2005 - 21:55

VirtualDub 1.64 Build 23174:
английская версия _http://osdn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.6.4.zip
руссская версия _http://samlab.ru/soft/virtualdub_1.6.4_b23174_russian.cab
русификатор _http://samlab.ru/rus/sam_virtualdub164rus.rar

Автор: SamLab 18.02.2005 - 23:17

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 Build 18294
русская версия _http://samlab.ru/soft/virtualdub-mpeg2_1.5.10_russian.cab
английская версия _http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/stable/VirtualDub-MPEG2.zip
русификатор _http://samlab.ru/rus/sam_vdubmpeg1510b18294rus.rar

Автор: Kondor 21.02.2005 - 11:57


__http://samlab.ru/soft/virtualdub_1.6.4_b23174_russian.cab не качается исправь линк или дай альтернативный

Автор: Visky 21.02.2005 - 14:55

Усе качается, тока шо слил ;)

Автор: chet 22.02.2005 - 06:07

Просто 21.02 (до обеда) страничка SamLab вообще не грузилась...
А позже исправили :)

Автор: djesk 27.02.2005 - 17:37

Проект VirtualDubMod еще существует или уже канул в века?

Автор: Alek0 27.02.2005 - 17:55

Да вроде нет, что то выпускают еще, вот ссылка


Автор: Demiguise 4.04.2005 - 18:41

VirtualDub 1.6.5 build 23350

Build 23350 (1.6.5, experimental): [April 4, 2005]
[features added]
* Script: Added Sylia.Atoi(), Atol(), and Atod() functions to allow
  conversions from string to value.
* Script: Added VirtualDub.Log(string) command to output to log output
  (or console).
* Added vdub.exe launcher for basic command-line driven operation.
* Added multiple undo/redo for timeline edits.
* Added /? switch to list command-line options.
* Added support for reading paletted BMPs.
* Dub input format is now reported in the log.

[bugs fixed]
* Script: Binary operators sometimes promoted the wrong way, i.e. double +
  int -> int.
* Script: The old form of the Open() command didn't choose the right
  driver when a specific driver was requested, due to sorting by priority.
* Script: Fixed random crash when adding video filters after opening a
  video file.
* Script: Fixed crash when issuing SaveWAV() command with no audio stream.
* Capture: Fixed race condition induced random crash when RGB filtering
  and accelerated preview were both enabled.
* Capture: Capture stats were not updated while frame dropping was
  occurring, which sometimes made it hard to diagnose timing problems.
* Capture: Added adjustable limit on length of burst inserts when timing
  anomalies occur, to prevent the app from locking permanently on a very
  bad timing glitch.
* Capture: Audio device was not auto-saved.
* Capture: Fixed crash when attempting to capture with an unsupported
  video format (MPEG-1/2, interleaved DV, etc.).
* MPEG-1 video decoder occasionally glitched due to a missing end tag.
* Removed dumb debug code that was causing a "???" message box to appear
  when unrecognized command-line flags are seen.
* Fixed display panes not always updating properly.
* Fixed rare crash if an MPEG-1 open failed extremely early.
* Fixed cases where the render start/end point wasn't updated properly
  when a selection bound was used to "push" the other, i.e. "set end"
  before start, or vice versa.
* Paste (Ctrl+V) wasn't deleting the current selection before doing the
* Hex editor: Scroll bar thumb wasn't reset to top when loading a new
* Fixed a bunch of busted paletted converters.
* Fixed dialogs that had swapped OK/Cancel buttons.
* Fixed conflicting accelerator for Audio > Conversion menu option.
* Fast recompress mode now tests source format before UYVY and YUY2.
* Y8 AVIs weren't accepted even though they could be generated.

[regressions fixed]
* Capture: "Hide on capture" now works.
* Capture: Preview/overlay display commands toggle once again.
* Priority drop-downs in preferences didn't have vertical scroll bars.
* Top-down uncompressed RGB AVIs weren't handled properly.
* Fixed busted non-MMX XRGB1555>XRGB8888 converter.

Автор: SamLab 4.04.2005 - 21:41

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.65

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.65

Автор: Kiborg75 9.04.2005 - 01:05

Может кто-нибудь поможет найти эти dll для работы с VirtualDubMod?
На буржуйских сайтах находил, так моя прокся не дает качать.
У меня для запуска VirtualDubMod просит corona.dll :(

Заранее благодарен за любую помощь.

Автор: Burzhuj 9.04.2005 - 12:31

Вот тебе файл:

Прикрепленные файлы
Прикрепленный файл  corona.rar ( 120.21 килобайт ) Количество скачиваний: 327

Автор: TRASHSPAM 13.04.2005 - 01:24

А существует ли возможность ЗАПИСИ в MPEG2? Может есть модификация программы, которая позволяет это делать, либо добавочные плагины?

Автор: SamLab 30.05.2005 - 07:01

VirtualDub 1.66

Build 23486 (1.6.6, experimental): [May 29, 2005]

features added
Added an option in Options > Preferences > AVI to force sector alignment for large uncompressed frames. This can resolve compatibility problems with some uncompressed hardware video playback units.

bugs fixed
Capture: Video/audio format and compression and video frame rate now autosave on disconnect.
Capture: Fixed some cases where the Raw Audio Format dialog didn't highlight the currently selected PCM format.
Capture: Noise reduction threshold was not restored properly.
Capture: Renamed Peak Meter back to Volume Meter and restored V accelerator.
Frame byte size was being computed improperly for YCbCr AVIs.
Fixed broken MJPEG video decoding at bottom-right corner on streams that have restart markers.
Reworked MJPEG field ordering detection to be consistent with DirectShow MJPEG decoder. If this is reversed for your files, enable "swap fields" in AVI extended open options.
Scene detection was busted for 16-bit RGB (very rare case).
Minor status updating features, such as the current position nub moving during input preview, were broken after running a job that ended in an error.
(AMD64 only) Scene detection is now implemented.
(AMD64 only) Enabled some video filters that had scalar implementations: flipv, fliph, deinterlace, rotate, and HSV.
Save Image Sequence dialog didn't show the "add as job" button as checked, even if it was saved as such from the last time.
Fixed minor bugs in various image converters and improved accuracy of a few YCbCr-to-RGB converters.
Fixed UYVY/YUY2-to-RGB converters not interpolating chroma properly.
Fixed YVU9 chroma planes being swapped on write to disk and enabled YVU9 for direct input.

regressions fixed
App would sometimes exit after stopping frameserver.
Frameserver sent garbage data if the video filter chain changed the frame size.
Fixed a regression in video codec negotiation for MS MPEG-4 V3 variants where a different but compatible codec was not properly detected.
Doing a paste with no selection caused one frame to be deleted before doing the paste.
Write open failures were being reported again when the target file couldn't be opened a second time in fast I/O mode, which happens sometimes with emulators or remote drives. The slower fallback has been reinstated.
Running out of disk space at the very end of a render operation was sometimes reported as an I/O error rather than a write error.
Sampling in filter preview could fail if the timeline had been edited.

Автор: SamLab 30.05.2005 - 07:42

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.66

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.66

Автор: scaM 2.06.2005 - 00:53

вот сайт.

Автор: vamm2004 11.06.2005 - 19:00

Научите пожалуйста пользоваться русифицированной версией. Там так много написано....... cranky.gif . Перепробовала все. Очень жду пояснения, желательно пошагового. Я хочу разделить слишком большой фильм на две части, чтобы записать на два диска. Помогите, плиззззз unsure.gif .

Автор: Larry 11.06.2005 - 19:09

vamm2004, давай мыло, объясню.

Автор: SamLab 11.06.2005 - 23:01

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 Build 18303

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 Build 18303

Автор: vamm2004 12.06.2005 - 17:22

Цитата(Larry @ 11.06.2005 - 21:09)
vamm2004, давай мыло, объясню.

Большое спасибо за предложение помочь :) . С удовольствием!!! Меня еще волнует вопрос, как поделить правильно, ровно на две равноценные части. Я вижу, что делит на фреймы. А как поделить правильно, у меня не получается. Как увидеть МБ? спасибо rolleyes.gif .

Автор: radion 12.06.2005 - 20:04

В новую версию VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.5.10 build 18303 разработчик добавил новую опцию для работы с файлами в формате NTSC, в которой испытывал личную необходимость. Сама программа:

_http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/stable/VirtualDub-MPEG2.zip (0,7 МБ, Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP, freeware)

Автор: SamLab 13.06.2005 - 23:00

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.67

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.67

Автор: Bish 15.06.2005 - 22:33

VirtualDub Experimental
Что нового:
Build 23538 (1.6.7, experimental): [June 12, 2005]
[features added]
* Script: Added support for cast expressions to int/long/double.
* Video direct-stream path now treats zero-byte (drop) frames as non-essential. A video stream that has been spaced with drop frames to a higher frame rate can now be cleanly converted down as well.
[bugs fixed]
* Fixed crash when decoding audio from broken or mismatched DV frame.
* Hierarchical AVI index blocks were being placed outside of RIFF chunks. No known actual incompatibility cases (yet).
* Fixed occasional crash when using lowpass or highpass filters with a large tap count.
* Fixed crash on attempting to abort a render when an error had already occurred.
* Fixed "cut off audio stream when video stream ends" sometimes being active even after being disabled.
* Fixed audio stream being shortened slightly when using audio compression.
* Capture: Fixed crash in volume meter code triggered by load of DLLs that whack the floating-point control word.
* Capture: Fixed crash on exit in DirectShow layer caused by shutting down COM too early.
[regressions fixed]
* Script: Fixed "method not found" errors loading .vcfs caused by failure to convert longs to ints.


Автор: maxvel 4.07.2005 - 10:05


_http://surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.6.8.zip (852 KB)

Автор: SamLab 4.07.2005 - 21:52

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.68

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.68

Автор: Demiguise 11.07.2005 - 10:41

VirtualDub (stable) (873407 Bytes, 10 Jul 2005 22:31:17 GMT)
_http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.6.9.zip?download (страница закачки)
VirtualDub (stable), 64-bit (AMD64) version
_http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.6.9-AMD64.zip?download (страница закачки)

[bugs fixed]
* Extended workaround for Huffyuv joining problems to capture mode (pre-zeroing format block).
* Hex editor would warp to a random location when using the mouse wheel for the first time.
* Currently displayed frame was not updated after a reload (F2).
* Fixed errors when opening YCbCr (YUV) videos that had nonstandard bit depth or image size values in the frame header.
* YV16 input is now supported; previously it could be written but not re-read.
[regressions fixed]
* Fixed sporadic audio compression errors at end of render.

Автор: SamLab 11.07.2005 - 21:50

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.69

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.69

Автор: Demiguise 14.07.2005 - 17:33

Virtualdub-MPEG2 1.6.9 build 23685 (895866 Bytes, 14 Jul 2005 07:02:15 GMT)

* I've upgraded the core to version 1.6.9, and fixed two of my own bugs:
* VirtualDub-MPEG2 would sometimes crash at the end of compressing an MPEG file to DivX or Xvid.
* Preview windows provided by video filters (both internal and external) showed corrupt images.

Автор: SamLab 14.07.2005 - 22:08

Полная Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.9 Build 23685

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.9 Build 23685

Автор: shedow25 9.08.2005 - 19:59

VirtualDub 1.6.10 (stable), 32-bit version
_http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.6.10.zip?download (страница закачки)
VirtualDub 1.6.10 (stable), 64-bit (AMD64) version
_http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.6.10-AMD64.zip?download (страница закачки)

сhangelog -

Автор: SamLab 9.08.2005 - 22:42

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.10

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.10

Автор: SamLab 13.08.2005 - 21:44

Полная Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 Build 23726

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 Build 23726

Автор: Demiguise 29.08.2005 - 12:42

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 build 23750 (896973 Bytes, 28 Aug 2005 15:18:10 GMT)

Version 1.6.10 build 23750 (August 28, 2005)
• This build fixes one bug in the capture mode video filters: When the "Noise Reduction" threshhold was changed, the "Swap fields" option would activate.

Автор: SamLab 29.08.2005 - 22:11

Полная Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 Build 23750

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 Build 23750

Автор: Kanst 30.08.2005 - 19:31


Many bugfixes since

- Fixed: inserted frame range and imported frameset end position was
not correct in Avisynth Script editor.
- Fixed: too small string buffer to show Avisynth Information messagebox.
- Updated: added new Avisynth v2.5.5 and v2.5.6 keywords to highlight list.

- Fixed: ( an input file containing audio would remain opened even
after "Clode video file" (thus preventing from deleting the file).
- Fixed: ( crash when starting capture.
- Fixed: ( ticks in the trackbar. Now have the same behaviour than
VirtualDub (when in "Frames" mode).
- Fixed: ( not enough space was reserved for the KaxSeekHead at the
beginning of Matroska files. Added warnings (logs) when this happen.
- Fixed: duplicated references when writting 2 KaxSeekHead in Matroska files.
- Fixed: ( logs shown 2 times when saving a Matroska file.
- Fixed: issues when decompressing AC3 ( or audio using ACM.
- Fixed: issue with the input audio filter (graph) that would stuck the dubbing.
- Fixed: ( problem with empty selection when doing a Refresh.
- Merged latest version of VirtualDub Sync by Andreas Dittrich (1.5.4, Sync 1.04)
- Fixed: livelock that could appear in some specific cases (the program encountered
a problem and is aborting the dubbing, but a livelock prevent it to properly end
the dubbing as well as showing you the error causing the problem).
- Fixed: issue when processing the very beginning of some AVI with MP3 VBR (this
problem would cause the previously fixed livelock).
- Added: 'Delete' key deletes entries in the stream, comment & chapter lists.
- Fixed: bug preventing some Matroska files from correctly being opened.
- Fixed: bug preventing files made with latest mkvmerge to be opened.
- Fixed: (Matroska) bug preventing processing of Matroska files (generally
resulting in a dubbing process stuck at the very beginning).
- Fixed: (stupid) bug concerning 'corrupted' data handling in DTS files.
- Fixed: ( speed issue concerning dubbing thread priorities, and VBR
audio as input (e.g. VBR MP3 in AVI or as external source).
- Fixed: bug that could crash the program when using the Asus ASV2 codec.
Thanks to Michael Koester for the patch.
- Fixed: bug preventing to delete a file used as external audio source even after
having removed it from the stream list (VDM would still keep the file opened).
- Fixed: bug cutting audio too early (33% or 50% of the stream) when muxing VBR
Mpeg Audio other than Mpeg1-Layer3 or Mpeg-Layer2.
- Updated: fccHandler's MPEG2 support to latest version (1.5.10, 2004-03-04).
- Now read and write the new tags for Matroska files.
- Fixed: bug preventing 'clean' finalization of subtitle streams in OGM files.
- Fixed: (1.5.4) deadlock when muxing many audio/text streams in OGM/MKV files.
- Read and write aspect ratio info in AVI files.
- Fixed: take into account default OGM packets duration.
- Fixed: misbehaviour (duplicating software/title tags) for video tracks when
editing MKV files.
- Fixed: misbehaviour when processing corrupted Ogg/OGM files.
- Fixed: some subtitle out-of-sync issues when muxing some subtitles sources.
- Fixed: some random livelocks on audio muxing (due to race conditions).
Thanks to Michael Keeley for the patch.
- Fixed: possible issue with Symantec Corporate AntiVirus 10
Thanks to vladlp : http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=93554
- Updated Matroska libs to libeml 0.7.5 and libmatroska 0.7.7
Added warning on first startup since Matroska support is rather outdated :P
- Fixed (?): sometimes after loading avisynth at startup the VirtualDub exception
handler (crash dialog) wasn't used anymore


Автор: SamLab 31.08.2005 - 00:02

Русская версия VirtualDubMod Build 2540

Отдельно Русификатор VirtualDubMod Build 2540

Автор: Demiguise 5.09.2005 - 13:32

Virtualdub-MPEG2 1.6.10 build 23762 (897237 Bytes, 30 Aug 2005 02:42:19 GMT)

Latest changes:
- This build fixes a bug in the "Capture / Stop Conditions" dialog. The "Accept" button was saving the conditions permanently, rather than applying them to the current session only.
- I added a "Show SMPTE" checkbox to "Options / Preferences / Timeline." See the change list from Version 1.5.10 build 18303 (below) for a description of what this option does.

Автор: kravjuri 15.09.2005 - 09:34

To SamLab:

Может, конечно, у меня что с Инетом, но с адреса


ничего не скачивается - сообщение "сервер недоступен". :(

Что бы это значило?

Автор: Bish 17.09.2005 - 08:32

VirtualDub 1.6.10 Build 23769

Автор: SamLab 17.09.2005 - 21:01

Не надо повторять ошибки всех новостных сайтов, обновился не обычный Даб, а его MPEG2-версия:

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 Build 23769

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 Build 23769

Автор: Demiguise 23.09.2005 - 12:59

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 build 23784 (897994 Bytes, 23 Sep 2005 06:13:45 GMT)

- My original "2:1 horizontal reduction (Linear)" capture filter required the source to be in YUY2 format. This build adds support for UYVY, RGB24, and RGB32 formats.
- There is a known goof in the original VirtualDub 1.6.10 which causes 44 extra bytes to be added to the audio when "Save WAV" is selected. This build corrects that.

Автор: SamLab 24.09.2005 - 11:43

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 Сборка 23784

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.10 Build 23784

Автор: SamLab 3.10.2005 - 07:41

VirtualDub 1.6.11 Build 23774


Что нового?

features fixed
-Added support for using D3D .fx files for hardware-assisted display. This requires d3dx_25.dll (DirectX 9.0c April 2005) to work.
-Added keyboard shortcuts for scene forward/backward.

bugs fixed
-The current frame could not be copied after a "scan for errors" command.
-Fixed crash in DV type-1 audio resampling code at end of stream.
-Fixed audio read errors on DV type-1 files with drop frames.
-Fixed a couple of crash bugs related to using positive audio displacements.
-Fixed a rare filter crash triggered by a previously failing filter suddenly becoming able to start while the filter list is being edited.
-Fixed bad write length in .wav writer.
-If precision was set to "no change" but channel conversion was enabled, the audio was converted to 8-bit.
-Error descriptions for failed jobs were often truncated after exiting and restarting the app.
-JPEG decoder sometimes reported false parsing errors due to not parsing over comment blocks.
-Filter load and AVI append functions could report "operation completed successfully" rather than the proper error.
-AVI File Information reported an incorrect preload value for AVIs that started with a video chunk.
-Capture: Stop conditions were being saved even if Accept was pressed.
-Capture: Emulation test driver crashed on activation if the last used video file couldn't be found.
-(AMD64 only) Disassembler was not decoding base registers properly.
-(AMD64 only) Cropping was incorrect or outright broken with some video filters.

regressions fixed
-"Split" audio filter was broken.
-Frameserver exposed too much audio when range to be served was set through range selection, rather than the tail being deleted.

Автор: SamLab 3.10.2005 - 09:32

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.11

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.11

Автор: Demiguise 6.10.2005 - 10:36

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 build 23777 (967640 Bytes, 05 Oct 2005 03:59:02 GMT)

• I upgraded the core to version 1.6.11
• I've added very experimental ASF/WMV parsing.t.net/stable/VirtualDub-MPEG2.zip

Автор: SamLab 7.10.2005 - 11:02

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 Build 23777

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 Build 23777

Автор: SamLab 11.10.2005 - 08:02

Вышла новая версия
VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 Build 23787

Изменений всего одно
Fixed some crashes in the experimental ASF/WMV parser

Русская версия пока старая
VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 Build 23777

Меня уже достало его переводить вручную, надо осваивать Passolo
Как будет время и желание переведу и нового, а пока есть, что есть

Автор: shedow25 24.10.2005 - 19:08

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 build 23843

- Added an option in "Preferences" to automatically adjust the size of the Preview panes based on the aspect ratio information in MPEG files.
- Moved the option to "Allow Direct Stream copy of MPEG audio" from the extended open dialog to the Preferences dialog.
- I've reduced the memory footprint a little by not storing timestamp information for every MPEG frame.


Автор: SamLab 24.10.2005 - 21:52

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 Build 23843

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 Build 23843

Автор: SamLab 5.12.2005 - 22:08

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.11 Build 23858


* Fixed a seemingly random bug in MPEG-2 decoding which caused adjacent chroma fields (Cb, Cr) to bleed into each other.

Судьбу русификатора пока не решил, завтра в 5 утра уезжаю в командировку и сейчас делать не хочу

Автор: SamLab 5.01.2006 - 08:49

VirtualDub 1.6.12 Build 24259 Experimental

Автор: SamLab 5.01.2006 - 10:26

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.12

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.12

Автор: SamLab 27.02.2006 - 13:41

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.13

Отдельно русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.13

Автор: SamLab 12.03.2006 - 23:17

Русская версия VirtualDubMod Сборка 2542

Русификатор VirtualDubMod Build 2542

Автор: Lаn 13.03.2006 - 22:50

VirtualDub 1.6.14 Build 24415


Latest Changes:

[features added]
   * Added option to choose different disk I/O modes to tradeoff slower speed
      for better compatibility and system response.
   * Added /capfileinc switch to set filename and increment its trailing
      number to avoid existing files.
[bugs fixed]
   * Added workaround for video codecs that read beyond the end of the input
      buffer during Huffman/VLC decoding.
   * Fixed intermittent problems with writing AVI files to a network drive.

Автор: SamLab 14.03.2006 - 01:05

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.14 Сборка 24415

Английская версия VirtualDub 1.6.14 Build 24415

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.14 Build 24415

Автор: Demiguise 4.05.2006 - 09:29

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.14 build 24417 (1050390 Bytes, 03 May 2006 04:43:04 GMT)

Ядро обновлено до версии 1.6.14. Других изменений нет.

Автор: vamm2004 5.05.2006 - 17:18

Цитата(Demiguise @ 4.05.2006 - 11:29) *

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.14 build 24417

Большое спасибо :) , а русификатора нет unsure.gif ?

Автор: SamLab 5.05.2006 - 20:49

Время нет и желания - на днях сделаю русификатор

Автор: SamLab 6.05.2006 - 21:51

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.14 Build 24417

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.14 Build 24417

Автор: shedow25 29.05.2006 - 19:12

VirtualDub 1.6.15 Build 24442

[bugs fixed]
* Added workaround for BMP files with bad BITMAPINFOHEADER::bfSize fields.
* Added workaround for TARGA files with run-length encodings that span
scanlines (not allowed by spec).
* Fixed abort confirm and disk I/O options not saving consistently.
* Warnings, particularly the VBR warning, are now displayed after opening a
file through command-line arguments.
* Fixed crash when VirtualDub.jobs file is not writable.
* Fixed crash when dealing with RLE4 and RLE8 encoded videos.
* Fixed stride error with odd-width TARGA files.
* Fixed occasionally oversized wave format structure being written when
decompressing audio.
* The "autoselect" input color format now also tries 256 color mode in order
to support old codecs that can only output this format.
* Capture: Switched graph construction code in DirectShow layer to prefer
Video Renderer over VMR to avoid Direct3D.
* AMD64: Fixed one-byte PUSH/POP instructions reporting incorrect registers
in disassembly.
* AMD64: Fixed field swap filter.


Автор: SamLab 29.05.2006 - 21:52

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.15 Сборка 24442

Английская версия VirtualDub 1.6.15 Build 24442

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.15 Build 24442

Автор: SamLab 2.06.2006 - 09:12

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.15 Сборка 24458

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.15 Build 24458

Автор: Demiguise 22.06.2006 - 08:56

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.15 build 24550 (1044565 Bytes, 20 Jun 2006 07:15:20 GMT)

- In capture mode, "Stretch to window" now takes cropping into account when stretching.
- Fixed some minor bugs in the MPEG-2 decoder.

Автор: SamLab 28.06.2006 - 20:18

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.15 Сборка 24550

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.15 Build 24550

Автор: Demiguise 10.07.2006 - 08:46

VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.15 build 24600 (1045001 Bytes, 08 Jul 2006 08:47:35 GMT)

• I've made some improvements to the experimental ASF/WMV parser. It should now handle broken ASF/WMVs much better, plus the audio/video sync is much improved while seeking in WMVs with VBR Windows Media Audio 9. Many of the code changes were donated or suggested by developer "Moitah." (Thanks Moitah!)
• At some point during the upgrade to 1.6.15, decoding of 4:2:2 MPEG-2 content was broken. This is fixed now.

Автор: SamLab 10.07.2006 - 20:57

Русская версия VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.15 Сборка 24600

Русификатор VirtualDub-MPEG2 1.6.15 Build 24600

Автор: Demiguise 7.08.2006 - 07:40



Автор: shedow25 13.08.2006 - 15:42

VirtualDub 1.6.16 build 24463 stable

[features added]
* Added AMD64 versions of the frameserver and AVIFile frameclient.
* Added .divx to file filter for video open dialog (although AVI files
should be tagged .avi, dammit).

[bugs fixed]
* Fixed decoding errors when reading JPEGs with junk at the end of the file.
* Improved support for working with video codecs that are configured to only
output YUV formats.
* Added more checks to script parameters for "resize" video filter.
* Fixed gradient bugs in "smoother" video filter.
* Added "png" file extension to logo filter open dialog; it has been
supported for a while, but you had to manually override the file filter.
* Fixed truncation in audio displacement setting that prevented it from
working beyond ~35min.
* Capture: Fixed crash when attempting to capture with both striping and
segmentation (not supported).

[regressions fixed]
* Capture: Audio playback sometimes didn't work.
* Capture: Fixed noise issue in resampler.
* Improved accuracy of "box blur" filter.


Автор: SamLab 14.08.2006 - 06:59

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.16 Сборка 24463

Английская версия VirtualDub 1.6.16 Build 24463

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.16 Build 24463

Автор: siroj 15.08.2006 - 10:00

VirtualDub 1.6.16 Full

Автор: Alexander5 6.11.2006 - 12:06

VirtualDub 1.6.17 Build 24469, stable [November 4, 2006]

[bugs fixed]
* Fixed divide by zero crash when Direct3D display is enabled and a video pane is shrunken to zero width.
* UYVY video streams were being reported as RGB16.
* Direct3D display minidriver didn't clip properly when the image was zoomed larger than the screen.

[regressions fixed]
* Capture: Reverted change in rendering strategy for DirectShow filter graphs in order to fix field problems with ATI devices.
* Capture: Fixed crash when capturing video only using a VFW driver.

Страницы загрузки:


Для AMD64:

VirtualDub 1.7.0 Build 25854, experimental [November 5, 2006]

Страница загрузки:

Страница загрузки (для AMD64):

Автор: SamLab 6.11.2006 - 12:16

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.17 Сборка 24469

Английская версия VirtualDub 1.6.17 Build 24469

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.17 Build 24469

Автор: Lаn 7.02.2007 - 21:54

VirtualDub 1.7.1 27021
_http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.7.1.zip (1273 Кб)


Build 27021 (1.7.1, experimental): [February 6, 2007]
[features added]
* AVI file info now shows the FOURCC of the video stream.
* The "display decompressed output" option can now be enabled and disabled
in the middle of encoding.
* Improved playback timing.
* Added /hexview command-line flag to open a file in read-only mode.
* Added /noStupidAntiDebugChecks for development purposes.
* Added "warp resize" video filter.
* The "resize" video filter now allows editing the frame height with an
aspect ratio constraint active.
* Ctrl+Drag in the audio display modifies the audio displacement.
* Added an option to create several types of diagnostic test videos.
* Added Y800 as a synonym for Y8.
* Added support for the 4:4:4 planar YCbCr "YV24" format.
* Added animated GIF import.
* D3D: UYVY, YUY2, YV24, YV16, YV12, I420, and YVU9 video display is now
accelerated in Direct3D mode.
* D3DFX: Added additional support for field-based display shaders.
* Capture: Added a new screen capture driver.
* Capture: Added configurable hotkeys for stopping and starting capture.
* Capture: DirectShow filter graph build errors are now noted in the log
* Capture: Full-screen mode now auto-hides mouse cursor.
* Capture: Added UI for modifying DirectShow brightness, contrast, gamma,
sharpness, and hue settings.
* Capture: Audio playback setting is now auto-saved.

[bugs fixed]
* "Export as filmstrip" command failed if no audio stream was available.
* Filmstrips didn't resave properly as AVI (video stream type set
* Modified the SSE check to ignore the flush-to-zero (FTZ) bit, which
unfortunately some compiler DLL runtimes twiddle.
* "Preserve empty frames" was writing out the empty frames as key frames.
VirtualDub corrects this on load, but it was still incorrect on disk.
* "Preserve empty frames" caused the video codec key frame interval to
work incorrectly -- it counted compressed frames rather than total frames.
* "Display decompressed output" was broken.
* Added workaround for silent crash when using the audio display with older
versions of Avisynth.
* Added workaround for digital cameras that leave the last byte off of JPEG
* Added workaround for some naughty DLLs that prevented VirtualDub's crash
logging mechanisms from working properly.
* Added more workarounds for overlay surface goofiness on Windows Vista.
* Audio display now reflects timeline edits and the audio displacement
* Made it more difficult to accidentally select frames in the audio display.
* Fixed divide by zero crash when D3DFX display is enabled and a video pane
is shrunken to zero width.
* Fixed case where tiny audio chunks were emitted periodically when using
some MP3 codecs at a 44KHz sampling rate (audio interleaving issue, not
sync issue).
* Fixed goofed file filters in source dialog of "create paletted AVI"
* Inverse telecine could be enabled with smart rendering (which doesn't
* Fixed "preserve empty frames" and "smart rendering" options to work
better in the presence of a B-frame encoding delay.
* Capture: Alt+Enter full-screen toggle left window in topmost placement.
* Capture: Fixed sporadic crash when capturing with resync disabled.
* Capture: Fixed tabbing in "set custom format" dialog.
* Capture: /capfileinc and the startup code didn't increment the filename
properly past existing files when multisegment capture was enabled.
* Capture: Hide on Capture now works for DirectShow-based devices.
* Capture: Added workaround for driver bug in Adaptec AVC-1400 GameBridge
drivers that causes a crash when displaying video capture pin properties.
* Capture: Fixed filter leak in DirectShow driver in some cases when the
filter graph failed to build properly.
* Capture: When the "transform filter" registry option was used, the
transform filter popped off the capture filter after a video format

[regressions fixed]
* Fixed crash when opening AVI file with truncated MP3 audio format.
* Fixed some audio sync errors when cutting.
* Fixed the resize filter's settings not saving properly. This was actually
caused by a long standing overload resolution bug in filter script with
multiple glue functions on the same overload.
* Fixed crash when attempting to preview with an audio stream for which no
decompressor is available.
* Fixed crash when using quick preview beyond end of selection.
* Fixed a couple of cases of bogus total audio sample counts being reported
in the dub status window.
* Audio sync sometimes wasn't correct when cutting files with VBR audio.
* Audio stream estimate on status window was sometimes negative.
* Fixed crash at end of operation with IVTC enabled.

Автор: SamLab 19.02.2007 - 06:12

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.7.1 Сборка 27021

Английская версия VirtualDub 1.7.1 Build 27021

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.7.1 Build 27021

Автор: DEDAR 19.02.2007 - 06:14

VirtualDub 1.71 Rus

Автор: Lаn 21.05.2007 - 22:24

_http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.7.2.zip (1,26 Мб)

Build 27700 (1.7.2, experimental): [May 19, 2007]
[features added]
* Added minor frame lines to the parameter curve editor.
* Input driver plugin support.
* The threshold, sharpen, and brightness/contrast filters now support
* The DV type-1 audio source can now be set to conceal errors.
* Rendering operations can be throttled or paused.
* Capture: Screencap driver can now capture the mouse cursor.
[bugs fixed]
* AVI parser now handles files with a significant amount of garbage prior to
the first video or audio chunk.
* Curve editor opens to current frame instead of frame 0.
* Smart rendering didn't check the right locations in filter opacity curves
if edits had been applied.
* Animated GIF decoder didn't handle the "erase" and "restore" disposal
modes correctly.
* Animated GIF decoder could display a one-frame glitch at start of
* Time-based filters and filter curves weren't reflected in output preview
when applied to a repeating frame.
* Fixed interlaced field DirectDraw display with planar YCbCr formats.
* The "smart rendering" option could cause a missing codec error even if
the video mode was set to Direct.
* Added workaround for BlackMagic MJPEG codec not producing key frames.
* Added workaround for update problems with the Direct3D and OpenGL display
modes in Windows Vista.
* Capture: Fixed crash when attempting to use "remove duplicate frames"
feature of screencap driver on a 3D card that didn't support occlusion
* Capture: Fixed crash in screencap driver on 3D cards that don't support
buffer objects.
* Capture: Fixed bugs in screencap driver's rescale function.
[regressions fixed]
* Fixed inaccurate length field in WAV header.
* D3D: Fixed memory leak.
* AMD64: MPEG video decoder now works.

Автор: DEDAR 23.05.2007 - 05:32

VirtualDub 1.7.2b 27700 rus

Автор: SamLab 24.05.2007 - 08:00

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.18 Сборка 24473

Английская версия VirtualDub 1.6.18 Build 24473

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.18 Build 24473

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.7.2 Сборка 27700

Английская версия VirtualDub 1.7.2 Build 27700

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.7.2 Build 27700

Автор: SamLab 10.06.2007 - 06:08

Русская версия VirtualDub 1.6.19 Сборка 24478

Английская версия VirtualDub 1.6.19 Build 24478

Русификатор VirtualDub 1.6.19 Build 24478

Автор: DEDAR 2.09.2007 - 02:51

VirtualDub eng

Автор: drSAB 23.09.2007 - 21:45

VirtualDub 1.7.4 Final Build 28204

• Fixed bug where frame regions were shifted instead of extended to fix key frame violations in direct video mode.
• If a video filter errored out during start phase, already initialized filters didn't receive end calls.
• Toggling the "show decompressed video" setting in Fast/Normal Recompress modes could result in a crash.


Автор: DEDAR 24.09.2007 - 01:46

VirtualDub 1.7.4 Final Build 28204 rus

Автор: drSAB 2.10.2007 - 00:45


Audio display couldn't be opened if the curve editor was open
Temporal smoother filter crashed in out of memory conditions
Fixed rare cases where WAV reader returned the wrong data
Capture: Fixed crash in screen capture driver with video cards that only support OpenGL 1.0
Capture: Screen capture driver sometimes drew garbage cursor before first cursor change
PluginAPI: Default I/P frame model wasn't working

File Size: 1,307 KB

Автор: DEDAR 2.10.2007 - 02:01

VirtualDub 1.75 Build 28225 rus

Автор: kravjuri 2.10.2007 - 17:47

А она нормально работает на avi с переменным битрейтом звука? В прежних версиях были глюки sad.gif .

Автор: drSAB 14.10.2007 - 21:09


Cancelling the mode selection dialog for "create test video" didn't cancel the open
IVTC now works when the video format is non-RGB
Fixed garbled image when scrolling through an animated GIF in filter preview
Fixed missing frames when opening animated GIFs with zero delay times in frames
Fixed sync error when processing VBR audio in Direct mode
PluginSDK: Not supplying a custom signature caused a sketchy match to be returned instead of full match
PluginSDK: Fixed API host related crashes in filter preview and IVTC paths
PluginSDK: Fixed support for VBR audio
PluginSDK: Fixed handling of internal-decode frames
PluginSDK: Fixed crash when no video stream is present
Capture: Video filters were receiving frame times that were 1000x too large
AMD64: Fixed a pretty nasty stack misalignment issue in the 64-bit build
Fixed compression issues with WMV9VCM

File Size: 1,308 KB

Автор: drSAB 11.12.2007 - 00:35


* Improved accuracy of "set so audio and video durations match" for short clips
* Fixed vertical chroma positioning errors when converting to 4:2:0 or 4:1:0 YCbCr
* PluginSDK: Direct stream copy from a plugin audio stream caused dwStreamSize in the AVI to be set incorrectly
* PluginSDK: Fixed crash when using plugin to load a file with an audio stream that isn't AVI compatible
* Capture: When "wait for OK" was enabled with a DirectShow driver, time spent in the dialog was counted against a time stop condition
* Capture: Fixed crash when an error occurs while starting capture with a custom hotkey
* "Save segmented AVI" no longer crashes when only video is enabled
* Prohibit zero for frame rate adjustment
* Filters: The error return from runProc is ignored again for compatibility with earlier versions of VirtualDub; this fixes some video filters that broke in the 1.7.x series
* D3D: Fixed a display change related crash


Автор: Iolanta 6.01.2008 - 12:42

VirtualDub-MPEG2 v1.6.15 build 24600 (Сентябрь 2007, Size: 954KB)

Внимание: данная программа не предназначена для перекодирования AC-3 аудио-потока в видеофайлах!


Fixed some problems when importing and muxing external AC-3 and MPEG audio files

или тут=>http://www.free-codecs.com/download_soft.php?d=3702&s=149

Автор: drSAB 14.02.2008 - 00:13

VirtualDub 1.7.8
Size: 1.27 MB
License: Freeware
Requires: Win 2K/03/XP/Vista

Автор: drSAB 25.02.2008 - 23:34

VirtualDub Experimental
File Size: 1484403

File Size: 1350251


Автор: emailer 16.06.2008 - 08:37

Virtual DUB v1.8.1 Build 29808 (stable), 32-bit version (June 15, 2008)

Size: 1,366,895 bytes

[features added]
* The 'run as job' setting is now saved in the Save AVI dialog.
* Added distributed job queue mode.
* Added bob and non-interlaced field display modes to render preview.
* Added new test video mode: interlaced cube.
* Added option to run video compressor in a separate thread for better dual
core/SMP performance.
* YCbCr resampler is now SSE4.1 optimized.
* Added command-line switches for minimizing/maximizing the window on
startup and setting process priority.
* AMD64: The threshold, grayscale, levels, logo, and brightness/contrast
video filters are now available.
* Plugins: Fixed bugs with and raised size limits for serialized input
plugin options data.

[bugs fixed]
* Fixed cases where the crop/letterbox to aspect ratio options in the resize
filter were broken.
* Fixed another rare crash when exiting filter list dialog.
* Fixed Postpone and Delete buttons in job control dialog sometimes not
updating when a job state changes.
* Fixed swapping of AVI superindex and subindex settings.
* Fixed bugs with cropping in filter chain with YUY2 or UYVY formats.
* Mouse wheel scrolling with Shift held down (by key frame) now works
* Fixed infinite loop when attempting to convert a pal8 source to 4:2:0
* The initial load of AVI files is now faster over a network.
* TARGA files are no longer written all black when 32-bit RGB output is
* Added workaround for "image not in Y or YCbCr format" errors when reading
JPEGs from a RAZR V3 phone.
* Deleting a filter in the filter list no longer causes the checkboxes to
desync from the actual filter enable states.
* AVI: Files with truncated hierarchical AVI indices no longer result in
"missing 'movi' chunk" errors and can now be recovered.
* DV: Fixed decoding issue that resulted in some lost blocks.
* DDraw: Fixed occasional crash when another application forces full-screen
* Capture: Fixed crash in OpenGL screen capture mode related to occlusion
query based frame dropping.
* Capture: Fixed hang on shutdown when exiting with OpenGL screen capture
mode active.

[regressions fixed]
* Fixed crash when a script specifies arguments for a video filter that
doesn't take any.
* Data rate was reported incorrectly for the video stream in the status
* Fixed audio display.
* Fixed crashes and decompression errors with paletted video.
* Filter preview no longer shows bogus frames when previewing a filter chain
with edits on the timeline and no frame rate changing filters.
* Filters: Codec-friendly alignment works in resize filter again.

Автор: drSAB 20.07.2008 - 00:29

VirtualDub 1.8.2
1338.17 KBytes

Автор: emailer 21.07.2008 - 08:23

VirtualDub v1.8.3 Build 29896 (stable), 32-bit version (July 20, 2008)

Size: 1,370,307 bytes

Автор: drSAB 11.08.2008 - 22:23

VirtualDub 1.8.4 Build 29958

* Export > Raw Audio defaults to .mp3 extension when the audio track is in MPEG layer III format
* Capture: Optimized display code slightly when main window is minimized
* Fixed another crash with uncompressed paletted video
* Fixed several dialogs that had placeholder icons
* "Open shared job list" dialog now shows the correct title
* Fixed shared job list sync errors when using a job file originally saved from non-shared mode
* Image sequence export jobs didn't reload properly
* Perspective filter no longer shows garbage preview frame before a frame is sampled
* Capture: The "track active window client area" setting of the screencap driver is now saved properly
* Capture: Fixed crash when exiting Set Custom Format dialog with no width or height selected
* DV: Fixed noise when audio switches between 12-bit and 16-bit encoding
* D3D: Fixed wrong-boxing of video when source frame is YCbCr and larger than screen

File Size: 1339.76 Кб

Автор: drSAB 18.08.2008 - 22:00

VirtualDub 1.8.5 Build 29963
1339.80 Кб


Автор: drSAB 23.09.2008 - 00:43

VirtualDub 1.8.6
1346.13 Кб

1487.15 Кб

Автор: DEDAR 4.10.2008 - 03:37

VirtualDub 1.8.6 Build 30009 Rus

Автор: emailer 23.12.2008 - 08:43

VirtualDub v1.8.7 Build 30080 (stable) (December 21, 2008)


Build 30080 (1.8.7, stable): [December 21, 2008]
[bugs fixed]
* Wheel scrolling now works in the filter crop dialog.
* Added clamp in audio conversion dialog to prevent invalid custom sampling
* DV: Audio error concealment now works when the PAL/NTSC bit in a frame is
* Capture: Added option to ignore DirectShow video timestamps when capture
driver timing is busted.
* JobControl: Rewrote sync mechanism to fix problems with multiple machines
attempting to run the same job.

[regressions fixed]
* JobControl: Fixed crash if job list couldn't be flushed on exit.


Size: 1,379,392 bytes

Size: 1,523,796 bytes

Автор: DEDAR 1.03.2009 - 03:37

VirtualDub 1.90 Build 30586 rus

Автор: Leon71 31.03.2009 - 17:58

VirtualDub v.1.9.1 (Exp)
1,4 Mb

Автор: DEDAR 1.04.2009 - 00:16

VirtualDub 1.91 Build 31536 rus

Автор: drSAB 8.05.2009 - 22:40

VirtualDub v1.9.2

1.9.2 is now out as a new experimental release. This version mainly solidifies the changes to the filter system made in 1.9.1, with reworked allocators to further reduce memory usage and caching improvements for better performance.

1431,18 KБайт

Автор: DEDAR 9.05.2009 - 00:03

VirtualDub 1.9.2-русская версия

Автор: drSAB 6.07.2009 - 06:07

VirtualDub 1.9.3 Beta

Автор: DEDAR 19.07.2009 - 18:01

VirtualDub 1.93 rus

Автор: shedow25 28.07.2009 - 20:04

VirtualDub 1.9.4
x32: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.9.4.zip
x64: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.9.4-AMD64.zip

Автор: shedow25 23.08.2009 - 18:38

VirtualDub 1.9.5 stable Build 32593 (August 22, 2009)

[bugs fixed]
* UI: Panes didn't always auto-refresh immediately after choosing some menu items.
* UI: Fixed output pane changing aspect ratio when window is minimized.
* Fixed blank dialog system icon in cropping dialog.
* Render: Importing an MP3 audio stream with a partial final audio frame could result in a silent error at the end of a save/export.
* Capture: Added missing "No drivers found" item to audio menu if no capture device is connected at startup.
* Filters: The filter system now initially tries converting NV12 to YV12 before trying YV24.
* JobControl: Fixed repeated flushing of job file in non-distributed mode.
* Fixed crash when creating animated GIF from 8-bit video.
* Reversed order of UV planes for YV16 and YV24 formats to match YV12. (Note: This does not affect filters.)

[regressions fixed]
* Output panes don't update during scene stepping again (broken in 1.9.4).
* Input preview forces on the input pane again (broken in 1.9.1).

x32: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.9.5.zip
x64: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.9.5-AMD64.zip

Автор: DEDAR 23.08.2009 - 23:07

VirtualDub 1.9.5 rus

Автор: drSAB 20.09.2009 - 06:03

VirtualDub 1.9.6

Автор: Leon71 13.10.2009 - 09:11

VirtualDub Portable 1.9.6 Build 32618
1,79 Mb

Автор: shedow25 19.10.2009 - 13:27

VirtualDub 1.9.7 stable Build 32661 (October 18, 2009)

[bugs fixed]
* AVI: Modified indexing traversal to handle deeply nested hierarchical
* Filters: Rescaling after changes to filter chain now extends or trims
ending ranges as needed to match changes to frame count.
* Filters: Fixed bug where a filter capable of both 3D accelerated and
unaccelerated modes (resize) could force a conversion to YV24 at its
input when RGB32 was a better match.
* Filters: Filter preview no longer always runs the filter chain with the
input video mode set to default.
* Display: Added workaround for video card/driver combos that perform
extremely poorly with DirectDraw/Direct3D blits overlapping a secondary
monitor. This can be toggled in Options > Preferences > Display.
* Command line: The warning dialog at the end of command line processing is
now suppressed if /x is specified.

[regressions fixed]
* Filters: Fixed filter errors not showing up properly.
* Filters: Fixed crash when PNG decoding error occurs with logo filter.
* Filters: Fixed random crash when opening Video Filters dialog before
opening any videos.

x32: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.9.7.zip
x64: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1.9.7-AMD64.zip

Автор: DEDAR 19.10.2009 - 18:33

VirtualDub 1.9.7 rus+плагины

Автор: drSAB 25.12.2009 - 19:22

new.gif VirtualDub 1.9.8

Build 32706 (1.9.8, stable): [December 24, 2009]
[bugs fixed]
* Fixed occasional hang with certain conversion paths from 8-bit (256
color) to YCbCr formats.
* Fixed bug where two curve points on top of each other in the curve editor
didn't save properly in script files.
* Fixed decompression error in IFF ANIM decoder when entire bitplanes were
* Filters: Fixed glitches in IVTC pattern in the first five frames of
* Filters: Fixed occasional crash when 3D acceleration is enabled and the
3D device is lost.
* Filters: Fixed bugs where the curve display would either show the wrong
frames or fail to step in certain circumstances.
* Filters: Blends are no longer allowed on filters where the input and
output have different formats; this didn't work and produced a corrupted
* Filters: Fixed crash in smoother filter with MMX disabled.
* Decoders: Fixed crash in Motion JPEG decoder on certain kinds of corrupt
* Frameserver: Fixed random crash issue related to stream format structure.
* Hex editor: Fixed bug where 'O' and 'S' activated open and save commands
instead of Ctrl+O and Ctrl+S.

1664,72 KБайт

Автор: DEDAR 27.12.2009 - 17:39

VirtualDub 1.9.8 rus+плагины

Автор: drSAB 10.04.2010 - 21:08

VirtualDub 1.9.9
Size: 1.62 MB
License: Freeware
Requires: Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista

Автор: DEDAR 17.04.2010 - 02:12

VirtualDub 1.99 rus+плагины

Автор: Leon71 7.09.2010 - 10:57

VirtualDub 1.9.10 Build 32839
1,62 Mb

Автор: shedow25 25.12.2010 - 01:16

VirtualDub 1.9.11

Автор: DEDAR 26.12.2010 - 16:36

VirtualDub rus+плагины

Автор: drSAB 25.12.2011 - 22:13

VirtualDub 1.10.1
1794.05 Кб

Автор: drSAB 28.12.2012 - 21:52

VirtualDub 1.10.3
1857.72 Кб

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© Invision Power Services (http://www.invisionpower.com)